The 10 Biggest Issues Dog Owners Face

issues dog owners face

Getting a dog is a big commitment, and there are issues dog owners face. However, even with these issues, we can confidently say that adding a dog to your family is worth it!

According to Forbes, “Nearly all pet owners (97%) consider their pets to be a part of their family. And a Forbes Advisor survey of 10,000 dog owners found that dog owners make professional, financial and lifestyle sacrifices for their canine companions.”

With that being said, many dog owners do have regrets simply because they were unprepared for the common issues dog owners face.

It will be a lot easier to accept the issues dog owners face if you know about them before you bring a dog into your home. But, even if you already have a dog, it can relieve stress knowing you aren’t the only dog owner facing these issues.

Read on to learn more about the ten biggest issues dog owners face.

Accidents Indoors

Dogs must be house-trained, or else they will pee and poop indoors. Even if they are trained, they will still occasionally have accidents indoors. This is a common issue dog owners face, but sometimes it is worse than others. Dog owners sometimes have to hire carpet cleaners just for their dog’s messes.

[Related Read: Why is My Dog Pooping in the House Suddenly?]

Behavior Problems

Many dog owners have to deal with behavior problems, such as barking, whining, or aggression. In general, dogs should take obedience classes. Without proper training, dogs may continue their behaviors and cause problems for their owners.

[Related Read: What You Need to Know About Dog Obedience Training]

Unexpected Costs

People are often surprised by how much it can cost to own a dog. According to Forbes, “Americans spent $136.8 billion on their pets in 2022.”

In addition to the necessities, such as bedding, toys, food dishes, and food, dogs require veterinary care. And, just like their human counterparts, medical emergencies occur. Vet bills often shock dog owners.

According to Forbes, “A vet bill of $999 or less would cause 42% of pet owners to go into debt, while a vet bill of $499 or less would cause 28% of pet owners to go into debt.”

Traveling Concerns

Having a dog as a member of the family means you can’t just spontaneously take off on trips. You must make arrangements for your dog whenever you travel. This may mean finding a safe place to board your dog, hiring a dog sitter, or making dog-friendly accommodations.

[Related Read: How to Choose a Dog Boarding Facility]

Yard Destruction

One of the issues dog owners face that we see personally is yard destruction. If you don’t stay on top of them, dogs can destroy your yard by digging. In addition to digging, dogs use yards to go to the bathroom. If the poop isn’t scooped, it turns your yard into an unsafe playground for bacteria.

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Keeping a Schedule

Dogs require care. This means you will have to sacrifice some of your time to take care of them. For example, instead of sleeping in on weekends, your dog will still expect you to take him on an early morning walk.

Indoor Clean Up

Many dog owners are surprised by how much time they must spend cleaning up after their dogs. Most dogs shed, which means dog owners continuously need to clean up dog hair from furniture and clothing. Dogs may also chew or scratch furniture or floors.

While we don’t offer indoor cleanup, our outdoor poop scooping is a must for dog owners!

Training and Socialization

Dogs need training and socialization, which requires time and discipline. A dog simply doesn’t know how to walk on a leash or interact with other dogs. It’s up to dog owners to dedicate time to training their dogs how to behave in different situations.

Grooming and Maintenance

Dogs require grooming and hygiene maintenance. They need their coats washed and cut regularly. They need their nails clipped. Some dog owners do this at home, while others find they must take their dogs to groomers. Additionally, dogs need dental care. This often requires taking a dog to the veterinarian for sedation.

[Related Read: Do’s and Don’ts of Dog Grooming]

Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Another common issue dog owners face is getting everyone on the same page as far as their dog’s training. For instance, if you don’t allow your dog on the couch, everyone in your home must follow this same rule. If you don’t feed your dog table scraps, you must make sure no one else does either.

Like humans, dogs have their issues. We love them anyway! Feel less frustrated by outdoor issues by scheduling regular poop scooping with Super Scoopers!